Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Lament

I've been working on this tune for a couple of weeks now.  I have no words for it yet, because everything I come up with sounds corn-ball.  I've been enjoying just playing through it at night. I think it sounds sad and a bit Ole' English folk song-ish.  It may be the PJ Harvey influence.  I have been listening to Let England Shake in the car. It's terrific.
Mamma's boy and I have been moved on to chords on the guitar in his lessons (I think the teacher has cottoned on to the idea that I'm learning as well). Very exciting, but difficult as we both have little hands.  I now have a 3/4 sized guitar so that me and the boy can play at same time. Thanks Hubby!  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Couldn't take the autoharp on holiday with us week before last, but did practice the guitar. Got back to it a couple of days ago and am working out a song pattern. The Girl likes it and has been googling for me about patterns. AABA remember it. When I get it noted down properly I'll upload the document and record it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A week off, a week playing music

Why did I go into teaching? Yes, holidays did figure in heavily into the decision (but of course I am now completely dedicated to the cause ; ). So it's the February half term and I get the chance to practice the autoharp and guitar.
Today and yesterday's focus: different strum patterns including waltz style 3/4 time with one low two high strums. Practice song: Clementine. LOVE IT. Not very good at it, but love it I do. I just adore these old songs. And it's sweet to hear my kids singing them.
I've also been having a practice of Buffalo Gals a favourite from my favourite movie. Not that I'm predictable or anything.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

melodies vs chords and thinking of songs

Work has been full on and so it's been really nice to have music practice with my son every night before his bedtime. He's doing really well with the guitar and I'm following him. We are learning the individual notes on the guitar, while on the autoharp of course it's chords. Hubby gave me a lesson in chords and established patterns in blues guitar. It's a lot to absorb and I feel I'm in over my head a bit, but then remembered that NO ONE CARES, it's just me learning something for myself. Momma's boy wanted a pitch pipe and that arrived yesterday. great fun.
Keeping a beat is very difficult for me (I like to think I have a jazz sensibility, but that's just HS, I just need to practice) So that will be my focus.
I wouldn't mind trying to write country/blues songs about where I live now and the people I know. Thinking about a few pupils and neighbours and comparing them against traditional song heroes and I don't think it would be that big of a challenge. Our criminal/ bad boy types could become the wayward cowboys and our quiet and beautifully put together girls could easily become pretty maids and sirens. All with a Bristolian ooh er.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

this week's research and practice

Stood happily in the wind and rain outside of the post office Saturday morning to pick up my Beginning Autoharp Instruction Book by Bonnie Phipps from 1983. It's a lovely straight forward and easy to understand book. I got it off of Amazon. And from the Bristol library I got two charmers: Folk Style Autoharp by Harry Taussig from 1967 and Fun with the Autoharp by Mel Bay from 1971. I'm picking up two more books and a cd (Eddie Vedder playing the ukulele, how cool is that?) tomorrow after school.
I'm listening to the Carter Family in the car for inspiration. I quite like Sweet Fern . I like a good yodel. And I'm not being sophisticatedly sarcastic when I say that.
I had a good practice this morning. I need to get better at pattern and rhythm. But I reckon I have no time limit to learn this stuff....